Sign Language Cheat Sheet – Lula
All Done: move hands away from body as if pushing away a plate
Bath: move fists up & down as if scrubbing your body
Bed/Sleep: make a pillow with both hands and rest your head on the pillow
Book: make book with hands and open it
Clean Up: top hand swipes bottom as eyes frown
Dad: tap thumb to brow
Diaper: 2 fingers over thumb pat hip
Down: point down
Drink: make a “c” hand and bring to mouth
Eat: fingertips to mouth
Grandma: thumb to chin, then arch out twice
Grandpa: thumb to brow, then arch out twice
Help: use one hand (flat) to help the other hand (fist) up
Love: cross fists over chest
Mommy: tap thumb to chin
Mine: flat palm to chest
More: tap fingertips together
Play: make “hang loose” sign with hands and shake back and forth
Please: hand to heart in circular motion
Stop: pinky side of hand to palm of other hand
Thank You: fingertips to mouth then move outward
Walk: hands pointed downward then imitate walking movement
Want: palms up – curl fingertips and move straight in towards body
Water: curl thumb and pinky to palm making a “W” out of the other fingers and bring to mouth
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