
Jan 6, 2013

2013, Here I Come!

One of my New Years' Resolutions for 2013 is to become a better blogger. For some reason I have had the worst time keeping up with blogging since I first decided to start. This year will be different. I can feel it. Plus this year already exudes so much awesomeness that there needs to be a place to share it all!

A lot of things have happened since the last blog entry. To cover the important things I will use a bulleted list in no particular order:

* My daughter was potty trained at 19 months. (She is now 20 months.)
* My boyfriend & I became engaged. (Our wedding is going to be on 5/29/2013)
* We acquired a pet bunny that is a lionhead/lop mix.
* I took up Belly Dancing, more seriously.
* Tallulah started gymnastics.
* We decided that Veganism was too strict for us for the area in which we live and went Pescetarian instead - for now.
* Mark went back to school full time.
* I revamped my online business and now have two online storefronts - Etsy & Storenvy.
* My parents bought a house in VA, only a 5 hour drive from us.
* I turned 29...

I am sure some things got left out, but oh well.

This year is going to be all about positivity, keeping our hearts healthy as well as our bodies and finding balance in every aspect of our lives. I have several personal goals with THE BIG 3-0 deadline attached to them as well. Cheers to 2013!

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